How To Play 500 Rummy Youtube
This video tutorial will teach you how to play Gin Rummy. This video will start by teaching you the general concepts of Gin Rummy and is followed by the more.
Rummy Learn everything you want about Rummy with the wikiHow Rummy Category. Learn about topics such as How to Play Gin Rummy, How to Play Rummy 500, How to Score Gin Rummy, and more with our helpful step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. Promising review: 'So I wasn’t going to buy it because I thought it was just a way to make a familiar game different and make the company more money. Plus I hate chasing balls. But the reviews. WikiHow Quick Video on How to Play Rummy 500. Rummy 500 is a variation on Rummy that can be played with 2 to 4 players. The goal of the game is to form combinations of 3 or more cards, called melds, to score more points than your opponents. To start the game, have one player deal everyone their hand, starting with the player to their left and moving clockwise. The play is very similar to other Rummy games. The player on the left of the dealer will start the game following around is a clockwise order. Each player will have three sections to their turn to complete. The first being drawing cards, the second playing melds, and the third discarding a card.
OBJECTIVE OF 5000 RUMMY: The objective of 5000 Rummy is to score a total of 5000 points to win the game.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3 or 8 players
MATERIALS: One to Two 52-card decks, a way to keep score, and a flat surface.
TYPE OF GAME: Draw and Discard Card Game

5000 Rummy is a Rummy style card gamer where the goal is to score 5000 points to win. Players do this by melding cards from their hands and potentially scoring points for cards left in other player’s hands as well.
This game differs in two key ways from other Rummy style games. These differences are in hand size and wild card determination and score values.
To set up the dealer is chosen randomly. The dealer will then shuffle the deck(s), there should be one deck for 3 to 4 players or two decks for 5 to 8 players, and dealer out hands. The dealing process differs from most games because the players will receive their full hands in one deal.
To deal hands the dealer will give the first card face up to the player and determined by that card deal them a hand equal to its value. Numeric cards result in a hand equal to its value, face cards are equal to 10 cards, and Aces result in 11 more cards being dealt o the player. For example, if the first card a player receives is a 5 of spades then that player is dealt 5 additional cards face down in front of them.
All players will receive their hands in this manner including the dealer. The dealer’s revealed card however also indicates the wild card for the round. If the card revealed is a king, then all kings are wild for this round of the game.
The remaining cards are placed in a facedown stockpile in the center of the table and the top card should be flipped to begin a discard pile.
All cards then are taken into players’ hands including the revealed card for each player and the game can begin.
Card Rankings
The ranking for 5000 Rummy is a traditional one. Aces are high or low meaning they can be used as the top-ranking card or bottom ranking card. They are then followed by Kings, Queens, Jacks, 10s, 9s, 8s, 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, 3s, and 2s.
The play is very similar to other Rummy games. The player on the left of the dealer will start the game following around is a clockwise order. Each player will have three sections to their turn to complete. The first being drawing cards, the second playing melds, and the third discarding a card.
Drawing Cards
The first thing a player will do on their turn is draw cards. Players have two options for this, they may either draw one card from the top of the stockpile or they may draw one or multiple cards from the discard pile.
If drawing from the stockpile there are no restrictions. You simply draw your card, add it to your hand, and continue playing.
If, however you draw cards from the discard pile there are some restrictions to follow. If you only take the top card from the discard pile then there is no restriction to drawing the card, however, this same card cannot be then discarded at the end of the same turn. If you wish to draw more than one card from the discard pile the lowest card drawn must be used that turn in a meld otherwise it is an invalid turn. All other cards on top of the lowest card must also be drawn and taken into your hand. Any of these cards, except of course the lowest drawn, may then be discarded at the end of turn.
Melds are the way to play out cards from your hand to score points. Melds can be one of two things, sets or runs.
Sets are when there are three or more of the same rank as the card being played. For example, a player may play out a 6 of hearts, diamonds, and spades. This is a set.
Runs are a series of cards in order of rank in the same suit. A valid example of a run would be Jack, 10 and 9 of diamonds.
All melds are placed in front of the player playing them for scoring later.
Wild Cards
In every round, there are wild cards, which can change depending on what card is revealed by the dealer at the start of the round. These wild cards can be played in place of a card in any circumstance. Say in the above scenario you are missing the 10 of diamonds, a wild card could be played in place of it to complete the meld.
If you have the card that is representing a wild card in a meld you may also place that card in front of you for scoring, this does not void the wild card though, which stays in play.
Playing on Melds
You may also play cards from your hand onto other players melds, just as you can play onto your own. To do this, you must announce to the table what card you are playing and to what meld, then this card will be placed in front of you for scoring.
This cannot be done however, till you as a player, have played a meld in front of yourself.
Discarding Cards
After cards have been played a player will end their turn by discarding one card to the discard pile. A stated above if a player draws only one card from the discard then this card cannot be discarded built there are no other restrictions on discarding cards.
Rummy Call
If a card that could have been used in a meld is discarded, other players who have played melds in front of themselves may call rummy. If they do, they may take the card, announce where it is being played and play it in front of them for scoring.
End of the Round
There are two ways for a round to end, either a player discards their last card (called going out), or once the stockpile is exhausted a player cannot or wishes not to draw from the discard pile. If either occurs, then the round ends immediately, and scoring begins.
If a player plays and does not discard their last card in hand this does not end the round. This is called floating and means the player must continue playing drawing cards from the stockpile till they can properly discard a card to go out.
After the round is concluded players will score their melds. There are points attributed to cards for their purpose.
Aces and wild cards are worth 100 points, but if aces are wild then they are worth 200. Kings, Queens, Jacks, and 10s are worth 10 points and all other numeric cards that are not wilds are worth 5 points.
If a player ended the game by going out, then that player scores all the points of the cards in other players’ unused hands.
The game ends when a player successfully reaches 5000 points. If multiple players reach it during the same round the player with the higher total wins.
Learning how to play Rummy 500 is quick and easy. That's what makes it one of my favorite card games. We'll cover the basic rules for Rummy 500 and then some tips that will hopefully help you out the next time you play!
Game Specifics
Ages: Any age that can count and match cards!
# of Players: 2 or more
Deck Required: 1 Standard 52 card deck if 2-4 players, and 2 decks if there are 5 or more players.
The object of the game is to get as many points as possible and then go out. We're going to explain how you get those points and also walk you through a hand further below. For now, just remember that the the object is to get those points, and then 'go out'.
Terminology is important when learning how to play Rummy 500, so here's some words you'll see below and need to know.
- Stock Deck - the deck of cards that is face down and that you can draw from.
- Discard Pile - the cards that are face up and have been discarded by the players. You can draw 1 or more cards from this (More on that later).
- The Field - The place on the table where you lay the cards that have been melded.
- Meld - means to play the cards in your hand by laying them on the field, either as a run or a set.
- A Run - Cards that are of the same suit and are in numerical order.
- A Set - Cards that are of the same type, but not the same suit. 3,3,3.... 5,5,5.... etc.
How to Play
Okay, let's discuss how you get points since they're so important when learning how to play Rummy 500.
You get points by playing cards in your hand and placing them face up on your side of the table. Of course there's certain combinations that you can play, and those are the following:
- There are three or more of the same cards which is known as a 'Set'. For instance, if you have three 5s or four sevens then you can play those cards by placing them face up on your side of the table.
- You have three or more cards that go in order AND are the same suit, which is known as a 'Run'. For instance, the 2 3 and 4 of diamonds could be played.
- You can also get play off of cards that are already on the table. For example if your opponent has three 9’s on the table and you have a 9 you can play your 9 off of their set.
I know what you're thinking... You're saying, 'Great, but where do these points come in?' Well, the points are based on what cards you play. Don't worry though, it's simple to keep track of.
- Cards 2-9 give you 5 points
- Cards 10,J,Q,K gives you 10 points
- The Ace and Jokers gives you 15 points.
- However! If an Ace is played like this - Ace,2,3 - then the Ace is only worth 5 points.
A word about the Jokers. Some people play without them, but for those that would prefer to leave them in the deck, know this - The Jokers are considered wild cards. They can be used as any card you need them for, but once you choose which card it is, they cannot be changed. So if you have 2 Kings and a Joker, the Joker can act as your third King and allow you to meld the cards.
I never worry about keeping score while I'm playing. In other words, I don't count up every card as I lay them down. Instead, I just keep an eye on how many sets I have and how many my opponent has. You can get a rough idea of who's ahead by doing it this way and then when someones goes out you can count them up. Of course, how to play Rummy 500 is completely up to you. You can count as you go or leave the Jokers out, whichever you decide.
Since you now know how to accumulate points in Rummy 500, let's talk about the actual game play. We'll walk you through a practice hand and you can see how the game is played.
Here's where we're going to show you how to play Rummy 500 by walking you through a single hand.
First off, the dealer (which is usually one of the players) deals the cards. If you have two people playing a game, then each person gets 13 cards. If you have more than two people playing, then each person only gets seven cards. Just remember when learning how to play Rummy 500 - 2 people = 13 cards and more than 2 people = 7 cards. The cards are also dealt just like in poker, one at a time to each person starting with the person on the dealer's left.
For the sake of clarity, we're going to assume we have three players here. The dealer deals the cards clockwise until everyone has 7 cards. Then the dealer puts 1 card face up on the field. This is the start of the discard pile.
There are 3 steps to your turn.

1. Draw
You can either draw from the discard pile or from the stock deck. If you draw more than 1 card from the discard pile you have to play the top card. I know the normal Rummy players are probably scratching their heads right now, so let me explain about that multiple card draw from the discard pile.
How To Play Texas Rummy
In normal Rummy, you are only allowed to play the top card in the discard pile. However, according to the rules of Rummy 500, you can draw multiple cards. The only stipulation to this is that if you do pick up more than one card, you MUST play the first card that you drew. If you can't meld it, then you can't pick it up.
So for example, let's say you have a 3 and a 4 of diamonds, and you see the 5 of diamonds in the discard pile, but it's covered by two more cards. You're allowed to pick up all three cards (the 5 of diamonds and the two cards on top of it) but you MUST play that 5 of diamonds on this hand. You're not allowed to keep it. You'll have to lay it down with your 3 and 4 of diamonds to make a complete run. You can keep the other two cards however. This is just to stop people from picking up the entire discard deck when they don't actually need a card. It also forces you to use much more strategy when playing.
Understand? Great, now let's move on to the part of your turn when you'd actually lay those cards down. It's called the Play.
2. Play

This is the part of your turn when you meld (place) the cards face up on the field (table). Remember if you pick up multiple cards from the discard pile then you have to meld the first card and place it on the field. If you only picked up one card from the discard pile or the stock pile then you can keep it in your hand. You don't have to meld cards every turn.
3. Discard
Once you are done playing your cards, or if you can’t play any cards, you have to discard a single card from your hand to the discard pile, face up.
Once you've discarded, that ends your turn. Then it's the person on your left's turn. This continues until someone goes out.
Going Out
When a person 'Goes out', it just means that they have used all the cards in their hand. Once that happens, it's time to count the cards. Not only the ones on the field, but also the ones left in the other player's hands.
The cards on the field (all those that have been melded) are added together to get a final score for each player. However! The cards in the hands of each player are then counted and subtracted from that score. This is why it's always best to be the one who 'Goes Out'. No cards means no score subtraction!
Keeping up with our example, let's say another player on the table went out and you have 3 J’s on the field and a K and a 3 in your hand.
For your field score, you'd have 30 points for the 3 Jacks. But don't forget the cards in your hand. You would subtract 10 points for the king and 5 points for the 3. That would leave you with a total of 15 points. (30-10-5=15)

Winning the game
After every hand, you add the points you have just received to your total points. So if you had a score of 100 before that last hand, you'd now have 115.
The first player to reach 500 wins (Hence the name, Rummy 500). If multiple players get above 500 at the same time the one with the highest score wins.
Now that you know the rummy 500 rules lets give you some tips.
I love teaching people how to play Rummy 500 because many of their opponents will make some simple mistakes. If you use some basic strategy, you can take advantage of those mistakes.How To Play 500 Rummy Youtube Play
- 1. Most people try to go out fast so that their opponents will be left with a lot of points to subtract from their hand. Don’t do this! You will end up with 1 or 2 cards waiting forever for a lucky draw while your opponent gets more and more points.
- 2. Use the discard pile! If you have 2 K’s, most people will keep them in their hand and wait for a 3rd K. Don’t! Instead, discard 1 to the discard pile. This will do 1 of 2 things - Either you'll get a 3rd king later and will be able to pick up a whole pile of discarded cards, which will give you more opportunities to get points or - your opponent will think you have no other kings and discard another king as a safe bet, giving you a 3rd king. See where the strategy comes in? It's an important part of learning how to play Rummy 500.
- 3. When your opponent is getting low on cards, help them out! If the discard pile is 2,8,2,J,K and you have a 2, put it down. Your opponent will pick it up to play the points, which is bad, but it gives them extra cards in their hand and make sure they will not go out any time soon. If you have 10 or more cards in your hand and your opponent only has 1 or 2, it's probably worth the points they'll pick up just to offset the points you'd lose if they went out.
- 4. When your opponent is low, start shedding your high cards. This prevents you from getting hit too badly if you can't prevent them from going out.
How To Play 500 Rummy Youtube Game
It shouldn't be hard to see why I love this game so much. It's easy to learn how to play Rummy 500. It does require some serious thinking and strategy, but it's a relatively fast playing game that is still loads of fun!
How To Play 500 Rummy Youtube Gratis
Next time you have a few people and a deck of cards, teach them how to play Rummy 500. I'm sure they'll thank you for the introduction!