Take A Bet Or Make A Bet
Take A Bet Or Make A Bet Average ratng: 7,9/10 5920 reviews
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Abbreviation for:back electron transfer

Benefit Evaluation of Direct Coronary Stenting
benign essential tremor
bicycle exercise test
big endothelin
blood exchange transfusion
Clinical trials
Benefit Evaluation of Direct Coronary Stenting. A trial comparing long-term outcomes of direct coronary stenting and of balloon angioplasty followed by stenting.
Primary endpoints
What Is A Put Bet
MACE and target lesion status at 1.4 years.

Direct stenting is similar to stenting with balloon predilatation as a predictor of new target-lesion revascularisation.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.